
Our paper "CCP: Configurable Crowds Profiles" has been accepted for publication at SIGGRAPH 2022 Conference.

09 July 2022

The proposed solution allows to model the diversity among agents’ behaviors and achieve heterogeneity in virtual crowds. To achieve that, a Reinforcement Learning-based framework has been developed to simulate multiple agents’ behaviors concurrently: heterogeneous behaviors and their various combinations and interactions were considered to form diverse agent profiles within a virtual crowd. The agents’ behavior can be optimised by cleverly varying the importance of several common behavior types of sub-behaviors. The importance of each separate sub-behavior is added as input to the agent policy, resulting in the development of a unified crowd simulation model capable of both capturing and enabling dynamic run-time manipulation of several different agent profiles.


We presented our State-of-the-Art-Report (STAR) on Authoring Virtual Crowds at Eurographics'22 in Reims, France.

28 April 2022

The Eurographics 2022 conference took place during April in Reims (FR), where we had the opportunity to present our work, meet new people and discuss topics of interest with experts in the fields. During the conference, we gave an exhaustive presentation of our survey on Authoring Virtual Crowds, which was a collaboration between UCY, UPC, Inria and CYENS under the CLIPE Project.